The Education and Care Qualifications Network

ECQN are an independent End-point Assessment Organisation

ECQN delivers End Point Assessments across a broad range of apprenticeship standards. We‘re an independent, end point assessment organisation offering end point assessment throughout the UK.

Employers get to choose which End Point Assessment organisation to use. They might decide based on the company’s reputation, or their trust in the organisation, helping their apprentice to get through the final stages of the apprenticeship.

Our assessment experts are focused on the quality and delivery of the assessment process without the complexity that can sometimes be found…we are committed to providing you with the support tools and FREE review of your teaching protocols to ensure you’re provided with the best chance of passing our End Point Assessment!

ECQN aim is to deliver end point assessments in health and social care as well as information technology throughout the UK. Areas Covered are:

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The Education and Care Qualifications Network Ltd
Bispham Village Chambers
Office 15 - 335 Red Bank Road

Tel: 0843 886 0123
01253 423090

Opening Hours - Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

Company number 10895629

Incorporated on 2 August 2017

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  • End Point Assessment for adult care worker course or apprenticeship

    End-point assessment (EPA) is the way people who are undergoing any training are assessed to determine their learning and competence at work after their training period is completed. It is a term that has gained a lot of prominence in the field of training and development.


    What You Should Know About The End Point Assessment For Network Engineer

    If you plan on becoming a fully fledged network engineer, then you'll need to take the End Point Assessment. There are a few things you'll want to know about end point assessment, as well as taking it via an organisation called ECQN (The Education and Care Qualifications Network )

    Things to Learn about endpoint assessments

    Beneath the older frameworks system, training suppliers would evaluate an apprentice's proficiency along a linear route. However, many employers discovered that this system produced a gap between what the apprentice must have understood, in accordance with the frame, and also what they really knew once characterised.


    End-Point Assessment Ensures that Apprentices Are Trained to Become Useful to Industries

    The objective of any apprenticeship program is to ensure that after the completion of the training all apprentices have gained the knowledge and practical skills that will make them useful to the industry that then employs them. End-point assessment (EPA) is a method that makes a final assessment that ensures that the apprentice can effectively perform the jobs that they have been trained for.


    What You Need To Know About End-Point Assessment Health Social Care

    Education and Care Qualification Network is an independent End-Point Assessment Health Social Care Organisation that offers End-Point Assessment for Information Technology and Health & Social Care.

    Essential Things to Know About End Point Assessment for Health and Social Care

    Health and social care are two crucial sectors where thousands of candidates want to join every year. Like other sectors, you need to appear in written tests and interviews before you get selected. However, these tests are not as easy as you think. They have tons of tricky questions, some of which you may be unable to answer in your first attempt. Therefore, you need additional guidance to help you prepare for such tests. Most importantly, you need to know the types of questions you may face during your exam. Hence, enrolling in an end point assessment organisation is essential

    What Can An End-Point Assessment Organisation In London Do For You?

    Health and social care are two crucial sectors where thousands of candidates want to join every year. Like other sectors, you need to appear in written tests and interviews before you get selected. However, these tests are not as easy as you think. They have tons of tricky questions, some of which you may be unable to answer in your first attempt. Therefore, you need additional guidance to help you prepare for such tests. Most importantly, you need to know the types of questions you may face during your exam. Hence, enrolling in an end point assessment organisation is essential


    Do you need an end point assessment for health and social care?

    If so, then the Education and Care Qualification Network can help you out. Also known as ECQN Ltd, this independent organisation is one that specialises in providing end point assessment services for employers, apprentices and professionals in both the health care and social care service sectors.


    An End-Point Assessment Gateway

    Doing an apprenticeship of any sort requires that a person is qualified to complete the duties for which they are going to get paid. They need to be an expert at what they do so that they will be able to complete the services that a customer is ordering from them. This is important in any type of business and there are ways that the government makes sure that the rules and regulations are followed at all times. That is what happens with end-point assessment gateway is involved and there are reasons for it.


    An End Point Assessment Organisation Must Be Unbiased and Independent

    To ensure that the trained apprentice has the skills to do the job they have been trained for it is important that a final assessment or end point assessment be made on completion of the training. To ensure that such final assessment is unbiased and factual it can be of great advantage if it is carried out by an independent end point assessment organisation.


    End-point Assessment Determines the Suitability of Health and Social Care Apprentices for Jobs in the Sector

    Most health and social care workers go through a period of study that gives them the knowledge about the field. It is important that the skills and capabilities that they have acquired during this training be properly assessed before they are considered fit for further employment.

    Overview Of End Point Assessment For Network Engineer

    If you are interested in endpoint assessments, there are a few things you need to know about them. You could be in a career where you are currently at the apprentice stage. To move higher, an EPA or endpoint assessment must be done to verify that you are ready. These are simply a series of tests that will determine whether or not the apprentice is ready for the next level of work.
    If you are a network engineer, and you are wondering how your endpoint assessment will go, here are a few tips to consider.


    What You Should Know About The End Point Assessment For Lead Adult Care Workers

    When it comes to assessment for lead adult care workers, there are several things you'll want to know. This includes what's exactly assessed and who delivers the assessment. You'll also want to know how it works and what the end point assessment consists of.


    End Point Assessments for Health and Social Care: Everything You Need to Know

    Apprentices planning to work in the health and social care industry must pass an end point assessment, commonly referred to as an EPA. If you’re currently planning to undertake an EPA for the health and social care sectors, here’s all you need to know.

    Overview Of EPA For Adult Care Workers

    When an adult care worker is evaluated for their job, they often go through what is called an end-point assessment. Here is an overview of the standard adult care worker apprenticeship standard that most of these workers must comply with to be employed.

    UK Government Announces Apprenticeship Support Funding Info 

    Recently, the Chancellor made it official that he would be looking to do certain things in order to help the economy recover from the devastating effects of the unprecedented pandemic. The entire goal of the plan is to put the economy in a better position moving forward. We will be going over some of the different things that you should know about the new plan that has been announced.

    Choosing Your EPA Provider For Network Engineer -

    If you want to work as a network engineer, you’ll need to take your End Point Assessment. Ideally, you should find a trustworthy EPA provider, able to offer you reliable learning support tools and timely guidance, in order for you to have the best chances to pass your End Point Assessment with flying colours. Let’s see what you should take into consideration when choosing your EPA provider for Network Engineer.

    Looking for an End Point Assessment Organisation in West Midlands? -

    ECQN, or, The Education and Care Qualification Network is an independent End Point Assessment (EPA) Provider in West Midlands. Our organisation seeks to provide EPA services for apprentices, students and even employers in the fields of Information Technology, and Health and Social Care.

    How ECQN End Point Assessments Can Help Your Organisation -

    If you are a trainer/employer looking to learn about making end point assessment tests, ECQN is the solution to all your needs. If you are a trainee or apprentice looking to hone your skills in preparation for the job market, ECQN will help you ready yourself to excel in the ever-changing market. Read more: